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FLUX : Water

(2o2o - 2o22)



FLUX is a narrative on constant change and balance.
Inaction in action. It's the process of flowing.

Human mind is like a little child.
It's capable of simultaneous narratives juxtaposed in such a ravishing way that
it shifts faster than the speed of light:
You cannot stop it. You cannot control it.

It's fascinated by all. It's nothing and everything.
It's nowhere and everywhere. And it is incalculable.

The unsteady mind is like an avalanche. It's fast and there's no clear vision.
Only when it settles, there is a conception of the surroundings, however it never stops.
It keeps moving gradually. It's calm and centered.

FLUX is the depiction of the focused mind, through the narrative of elements.
A continuous loop of moving inward and outward,
washing away the duality of "inside" and "outside".

“The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.
A process cannot be understood by stopping it.
Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it."

FLUX is inviting the audience to get on the stage, to flow together,
encouraging to find a common ground to be the observer and the observee concurrently.

In pursuit of balance and stillness in a state of motion.

The First Chapter, "Water”

Meet Me in Montauk | 2o2o

Erase & Rewind | 2o2o

And The Pain Runs Into The Blue | 2o22

Hold Me Tight | 2o21

Are You Drowning or Waving? | 2o2o

Balance | 2o22

Lost | 2o2o

Green Dreams | 2o21

© 2o26 by Lax Design Studio & LAX Collective. All Rights Reserved

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